Are you a Christian struggling to trust God at times?
Well, me too.
You are in the right place!
My name is Mia. In this space, I share my personal experiences and testimonies. As a full-time working mom, I enjoy writing in my free time.
I aim to help you deepen your relationship with God. I began taking my journey with Christ more seriously at the age of 35. It felt as though the Lord was pursuing me, inviting me to draw closer to Him.
I remember many times waiting for God to answer my prayers. This experience inspired “But Nothing Still.” God often seems silent when we’re struggling for our lives. Yet, He always arrives at the right time—His timing is perfect!
That’s the type of God He is! Regardless of our circumstances, we can always reach out to Him. If you’re anything like I was, the Lord will seek you out!
Sometimes, we struggle between our faith and our feelings.
But to be a Christian means to have faith in the Lord and to avoid relying solely on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).
What I love about this platform is my desire to share my stories. We all face shortcomings at times, but I also want to show how I persist despite my challenges.
Life has not been easy, and I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I’ve worked hard for everything I have today, all while trusting that God would provide for my needs.
The positive aspect is that I resemble many of you, and I’m quite sure we have shared experiences. What better way to serve God than by reaching out to His children? We can instill hope in them, bringing them closer to Him.
What I cling to is the power of Christ to guide my life. Am I holier than anyone else?
No, not at all.
Still, I believe that God has chosen me to demonstrate how to live righteously in accordance with His word.